Official IELTS Practice Materials 2 with DVD, Volume 2A comprehensive teacher resource pack to help teachers who are preparing students to take the IELTS test. Written by Cambridge ESOL examiners and material writers with many years of experience preparing IELTS tests, this pack shows candidates how each of the tests is assessed and provides valuable tips. The book contains: practice tests for Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing (both Academic and General Training); Listening, Reading and Writing answer sheets; Listening and Reading practice test answer keys and Listening tapescripts; sample candidate Writing responses and examiner comments; sample candidate Speaking tests and examiner comments. The DVD contains a Listening test for candidates to practise and film footage of three students taking the Speaking test. |
Introduction | 2 |
Academic Writing Tests | 27 |
General Training Writing Tests | 49 |
Interpreting your Scores | 62 |
How Speaking is Assessed | 79 |
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Common terms and phrases
20 minutes Academic Reading acceptable score Anglian Water answer sheet Ardress House AUSTRALIA BRITISH COUNCIL Caledonian crows CAMBRIDGE ESOL Examinations Candidate Name Castle Coole coherence correct letter criterion refers cuneiform employee ENGLISH LANGUAGE TESTING errors examination conditions Examiner Comments Band Givaudan grammar hour INSTRUCTIONS INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE karengo LANGUAGE TESTING SYSTEM least 150 words Listening and Reading Listening test name and candidate open this question Overall Band Score padanus probe Paragraph Piotr Michalowski Practice Test question paper Raine Island range of vocabulary Read the instructions Reading Passage Sample Response seaweeds SECTION sentences Speaking test spend about 20 Sumerian take IELTS Task 2 contributes taste test under examination tiger sharks topic Training Writing Turn over Questions UNIVERSITY of CAMBRIDGE Uruk word choice words for Task WorkWise Write at least Write the correct Write your answers Writing answer booklet WRITING TASK Writing test Zealand